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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Keeping good on my promises?

So, after attending Sustainable Marketing last Thursday, I decided to add additional Sustainable Challenges...
  • To remember to bring reusable grocery/ shopping bags with me when grocery shopping. I have nearly half a dozen reusable shopping bags sitting around my home, yet I oftentimes walk out the door and completely forget to bring them along. I know what a difference it makes to carry out two reusable bags from the grocery store, rather than four or five category-sorted individual plastic bags.
  • Buy less! I would like to make it a goal to make purchases less frequently and only when things need replacing.

Now, for this week's progress on my already-documented sustainable goals:

  • Not charging my phone throughout the night has been difficult! Out of habit, that seems to be the only time that I can remember to plug my phone in the charger. Thus, when not charging my phone overnight my phone has consistently been dying throughout the day at very inconvenient times.
  • I have been doing a really good job at turning my laptop off at night and unplugging the battery.
  • I definitely did not meet this week's tv goal. Swine flu has not helped this goal one bit! However, I will do better this week. I'm feeling much better and I will definitely be spending more time at the gym and library and less on the couch!
  • I couldn't say that I have had much opportunity to turn off the the house lights because our whole house was pretty much home from school last week with the flu. We have, however, been really good about turning off the bathroom and laundry room lights when they are not in use.

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